Technology shows us a very rapid development. The rapid development of technology makes people depend more and more on mobile devices. To make it simple, the question arises is that is there any people who doesn’t handle smartphone on their hands today? Whereas, based on industry analysts, they have estimated that almost two-thirds of employees use a smartphone for their work. What a big percentage!
Now that you have known about today’s mobile situation, as a businessman, don’t you need a device that works best on managing the mobility in your business? A device used for mobility management solution maybe your best answer to eliminate problems. Technology may lead us to a simpler world. But, for some people behind the technology development, the IT staffs, several difficulties are shown. How do IT staffs manage these difficulties?
This is the side effect of the rapid technology development. I mean, depending on mobile devices makes you should give more care to the device itself. Sometimes, they may cause problems and your IT staffs can fix it. But, it doesn’t mean all the time. How about fixing problem caused by devices or apps handled in your end user’s hands? How about managing workers with high mobility? The team leader maybe in location A. At the same time, his team-mates maybe in different places which is far away from location A. This may cause downtime to the workers if you don’t pay attention in managing the mobility. There is not just a more downtime, but also a costlier and more disruptive downtime than ever.
What your IT staffs need the most is a mobility management device, the remote support. SOTI-Mobicontrol is a remote support device that fix mobile device problems wherever they are. SOTI-Mobicontrol has lots of different tools made it a versatile remote support toolkit.

Let me explain more about the versatile remote support toolkit, the SOTI-Mobicontrol. The toolkit is including free remote control of mobile device. What does it mean? It remotely troubleshoots the device to fix the problem as quickly and easily as if the device was in your IT staffs’ hands. Besides, there is tool called remote browse and copy or delete files on the mobile device. It deletes corrupted application files on the malfunctioning device, and also drag and drop working copies of those files remotely onto the device. Other toolkits included are live two-way chat, screen/video capture, view and interact with device application, remote initiation of device restart and broad device support. The versatile toolkit is truly versatile choice for your mobility management solution.
The versatile SOTI-Mobicontrol is not only capable of managing mobility. It provides you with several benefits, such as improving team collaboration. By using SOTI-Mobicontrol, team leads can interact with team members in the field. This ensures you that workers complete their tasks properly and on schedule. Other benefit is to provide you a remote training. Remote training means the helpdesk personnel can visually guide workers on how to use a mobile application while they are out in the field. The helpdesk personnel can also visually guide workers on-field step-by-step on how to perform tasks on their device. As a versatile device, the most advantageous benefit is that SOTI-Mobicontrol helps you on employee mentoring. This provides you a way so that your remote workers can share their screen and stream video back to HQ to solicit guidelines and advices.
After recognized the versatile SOTI-Mobicontrol, then you can freely say goodbye to the downtime of workers that may cause big problems in your business. Thing last is only optimize the performance of your workers. Yes, SOTI-Mobicontrol is the best choice to optimize your workers’ performance.